• Visit our Reentry Project

    Navigating Barriers to Reentry is a self help program for individuals returning from incarceration. Visit the resource guide here.

justice For All

The Center is proud to support this new, grassroots organization in the Baltimore area.  Keith Page, Lead Organizer said:

” I started JFA to help give voice to people who feel powerless and voiceless in times of social injustice”.

We have been working with Keith and his team to organize and start community outreach.  With The Center’s help, JFA has secured a startup grant from RESIST, to whom we are immensely grateful!  JFA’s goal is to help their community look into issues affecting them and together explore solutions that will help make the community safer and more resilient.  To begin that process, JFA will be making a phone app, developed by The Center available to the community. With that app, people will be able to collect information on policing and other community concerns.

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